June 14, 2023

The Opportunities and Challenges of DSD

In the dynamic world of retail, where it seems like everything is changing, Direct Store Delivery (DSD) has remained a prominent distribution model. DSD is a system where suppliers deliver goods directly to retail stores, bypassing distribution centers. This is the hidden giant of grocery distribution, accounting for 25% of unit sales and 52% of margin. In this article, we will examine the opportunities and challenges presented by DSD and provide a recommendation for optimizing its implementation.


This is the hidden giant of grocery distribution, accounting for 25% of unit sales and 52% of margin.



DSD offers a wealth of opportunities for retailers to reduce costs, improve product freshness, and gain valuable insights into consumer trends. By addressing the challenges of inventory management, optimizing delivery routes, and updating IT systems, retailers can fully harness the potential of this distribution model.

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